Tuesday, March 22, 2005


ok, so this has been a crazy week! lemme back track to last tuesday and tell you everything thats happened...last tuesday, i went to classes, finished with a good piano lesson, went and talked to friends for a little, then i went and ate dinner, and then i went and interviewed someone for an assignment, and i was late...stinkin traffic...anywho, i came back here, called my mom, procrastinated doing the report on the interview, and finally sat down to get it done at like 10:00, so by the time my roommates came home, i was done, they got on the computer and i went to bed...
so then i woke up the next day at like 7ish, which would normally never ever happen, cuz my first required thing i do every monday and wed. is chapel, at 10:30, but my manita, aka dessie, had to go to court, and although it was my car she wrecked, i didnt have to go, but i went cuz she a. needed a ride there, and b. needed some moral support...so i ran to quick trip, got us drinks, picked her up, and when we got there, we had to stand in line, and we were afraid that she was gonna be late, and then we happened to notice that it seemed like only one room was open, so we started joking around about how we had sooo many options as to which room we could go in...room a, or maybe room a, or did i mention room a, we wanna keep our options open...so we laughed about that, and then we ended up in room a! so we were waiting to go in and the line was forever long...that was interesting by the way, some scary guy started talking to us, and dessie just ignored him, but he got right in my face and had me backed into a wall...okay, so i have this thing where if i start to feel a little crowded, i put my hands in front of my face, sorta like a defense mechanism dealy, so i wasnt gonna be rude and put my hands up, but i was so freakin out cuz the dude was way too close to me...i have a bubble, and i would like it if ppl respected my bubble...at least americans...anyways, so we go into the room...and the guy sits in front of us, and as other ppl are walking in, he checks out every girl...ugh...so we sit there, its now close to 9:30 and we started wondering if the judge called her already and she wasnt in the room, or if they were really behind...they were just really behind...so we heard what a lot of other ppl got as far as fines and stuff, and the major one was "$50 with court room fee" so we started making jokes about how much she'd have to pay, "i bet you'll only have to pay 50 bucks with a courtroom fee" and as we were sitting there, this one couple went up and the judge said something about points against your license, and so manita and i were like, i wonder how many points this is against yours...and then she went b4 the judge, and guess what...? she had to pay $50 and courtroom fee! and as we were driving away, we joked about her having the most points ever, and so she should win..."yes, i win!" it was good times...
then later that afternoon, i took some of her laundry so it would be clean for guatemala, and i did that, and cleaned the bathroom again, and scrubbed the kitchen floor as if there was no tomorrow, and then my hallmate, aka lindsey, and my future hallmate, aka hannah (who is also lindsey's roomie) came over and they were here from like 6:45ish to after 12, which is hecka late for them, so i ended finishing their laundry so they could go to the school and sleep...
thursday was uneventful...it is my short day, so i just chilled at the school for a while, then i came back to the house, and then i went back so i could say bye to all my friends, me and rachel and dessie all hung out, and talked about our friends and family, and then at 12:30ish i said goodbye to all my guatemala team friends, and i ended up staying on campus so i wouldnt be late for my only class on friday which was voice lesson
then on friday, the chapel was hecka empty, and by noon, no one was left on campus, so i came home...which is where ive been for the past four days or so, and i am so gross right now, im gonna go take a shower and shave and repaint my toenails and become more like the girl i normally am rather than the gross thing that has erupted from laziness...that has been my week...peace

Monday, March 07, 2005

i need sleep!

hey guys, i am sooooooo tired, so i am going to claim my mexican-ness (lol) and take a siesta, its that time of day, so why not? i am tired cuz im sick and i havents slept all stinkin weekend...i cannot wait till that house is clean enough to live in decently...i made a disturbing discovery, it appears that all of the stuff that goes in the toilet ends up running out of the house down the side of the house (on the ground, next to the house), and it runs by the cars...it appears that way bc there is a lot of random toilet paper that is definitely wet, and some of it happens to look used...therefore i refuse to use that toilet, b/c that is absolutely disgusting...i will not take a shower in that tub yet either...i honestly do not know how ppl can live like that, i think the mold and dust and dog hair is affecting my cold...arghhhhh aight, i am out to go sleep...in a real bed!!!!! (i dont have beauregaurde, but i can sleep without him for a little bit!), however, last time i took a nap, i had such a bad dream that in my dream i was saying "its only a dream, amanda wake up...AMANDA, WAKE UP!" but it didnt work till my alarm went off...hmmmm maybe some nyquil will help...props for nyquil...paz

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


i hate my friend bob...he sucks soooo bad...someday, i will definitely have to get rid of him...i have to go...i just realized i have a paper due in a class for tomorrow...why my face, why now???????? aight, peace