Friday, February 25, 2005

ay dios mio!

i dont know what happened, cuz it says it published, but its not showing up...anyways, my whole deal this morning is my parents called bout the at freakin 6 in the, paz

ay dios mio!

so i can honestly say i cant wait till all this insurance poop is done with...ay, mis padres me llamaron esta manana a las seis de la manana, y yo no habia levantado hasta 8...i mean come on, who calls ppl that early in the morning...besides my outta here like a fat kid in dodgeball...paz...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

im sooo cool

i love my butt...i am sooo freakin hott...God bless my car

Monday, February 21, 2005

go spanish!

so i am stinkin in love with this rocks my face off...leave one